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Furuno FA170 Class A AIS Transponder

Furuno FA170 Class A AIS Transponder


Regular price £2,978.40
Regular price Sale price £2,978.40
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  • Class A AIS transponder
  • Clear 4.3\" color display
  • Displays information about the AIS-equipped ships as well as coastal stations and Aids to Navigations within VHF coverage
  • Outputs AIS data to ECDIS radar and other navigational equipment for collision avoidance support
  • Sufficient output ports for dual configuration of ECDIS and radar system
  • LAN interface available for efficient network integration into a bridge system
  • BAM (Bridge Alert Management) ready
  • Meets the specific requirements for alerts and interconnection with Bridge Alert Management as specified in IMO MSC.302 (87).
  • Optional pilot plug available
  • Receives AIS-SART signals for assisting in streamlining SAR activities

Plotter display

Displays symbols for AIS-equipped ships base stations AIS-SARTs and so on. When you select a certain target the information about the ship (MMSI (or name when available) heading SOG COG etc.) is displayed.

Target list

The FA-170 can store up to 2048 AIS targets and AIS-SARTs. When you select one target from the list and press [ENT] key the pop-up window is generated. The FA-170 displays the detailed information on the selected target. Also you can create an AIS message or send a name request to the target ship.

Dangerous target list

The dangerous target list displays the name and particulars of targets classified as dangerous targets.

Own ship information
Displays own ship\'s position heading ROT COG SOG destination ship size MMSI name and so on. When you enter the voyage-related data you can select a destination from the list. Up to 20 destination names can be preset on the list. Cut copy and paste functions are available while editing the list.

Alert list

Displays all (current and past) alerts

Short safety-related messages

Short safety-related messages can be exchanged with a specified MMSI or all AIS-equipped ships via VHF channels. The FA-170 can store up to 20 transmitted as well as up to 20 received messages.

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